Punk & Post Punk Graphics 1976-1986

An incredible selection of over 700 genuine scans of printed memorabilia and detritus from the height of the punk and post-punk movements. A fantastic selection of punk design from 1976 to 1986 is featured in this book. Over seven hundred scans of original flyers, posters, covers, advertisements, and more.

A Revolution in Graphic Design

Punk memorabilia collector Andrew Krivine has dedicated his life to capturing the aesthetic influence of the movement. His extensive collection-which includes more than 700 scans of flyers, record covers, posters, and advertisements-served as the basis for a major exhibition that traveled to such esteemed venues as the New York Museum of Arts and Design and the Cranbrook Art Museum.

The best of this collection-more than 700 original scans of advertisements, flyers, posters, and covers from the heyday of the movement that forever changed the landscape of graphic design-is presented in this book. Too Young to Die and Too Fast to Live: Punk and Post-Punk Graphics 1976-1986. 352 pages, hardcover. Pavilion on March 26, 2020.

“Too Fast to Live Too Young to Die: Punk & Post Punk Graphics 1976-1986 captures the essence of the era. This comprehensive book offers a glimpse into the raw energy and defiant spirit of punk through its visual language.

A Must-Have for Fans and Creatives

For those interested in punk and post-punk aesthetics, the exquisitely bound hardcover book “Too Fast to Live, Too Young to Die: Punk & Post Punk Graphics 1976-1986” is a goldmine. It explores renowned pieces that pushed the boundaries of graphic design while showcasing Krivine’s distinctive collection. In addition, the book explores punk’s lasting impact on visual culture, making it an invaluable resource for anyone interested in graphic design, art history, punk music, and the rebellious spirit of punk. 352 hardcover pages. Published March 26, 2020 by Pavilion.

Too Fast to Live Too Young to Die: Punk and Post Punk Graphics
Too Fast to Live Too Young to Die: Punk and Post Punk Graphics

Unmatched Collection Examined by Experts

“Too Fast to Live delves deep into one collector’s journey to assemble the ultimate archive of punk memorabilia. Beyond the staggering number of items, the book explores the design history of this rebellious movement. The authenticity, value, and historical context of the collection are carefully examined by a group of renowned experts in graphic design, academia, and music criticism.

Critical Insights and Expert Commentary

The illustrative content of the book is verified, critically assessed, and given provenance by an array of graphic design experts, academics, and commentators, among them Steven Heller (former art director at the New York Times), Russ Bestley, Professor Rick Poynor, Malcolm Garrett, and Pulitzer and National Book Award-winning editor Michael Wilde.

Andrew Krivine: A Passion for Punk

The book’s focus on Andrew Krivine’s collection underscores his status as a legendary figure in the punk community. As a quote from Dart: Design Arts Daily proclaims, “Andrew Krivine is arguably the most passionate devotee of punk music in the world.

This unique blend of meticulously curated visuals and insightful commentary establishes Too Fast to Live as a cornerstone resource for anyone interested in the graphic design revolution that accompanied punk and post-punk music in the US and UK.

About the author

While living with his cousin John, who founded the seminal punk shops BOY and Acme Attractions in London in 1976, Andrew Krivine began amassing his vast collection of punk and post-punk graphic design. He lives in New York and continues to add to his collection.

Where to Buy?

Discover the vibrant and rebellious world of punk and post-punk through the pages of Too Fast to Live, Too Young to Die: Punk and Post-Punk Graphics. Here’s how to get your copy:

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