Milton Glaser: An Introduction to Graphic Design

The enduring, iconic volume that showcases the important early work and method of the father of modern graphic design is now back in print. Perhaps the best-known book of its kind, Milton Glaser: Graphic Design, examines the formative years of America’s leading graphic designer.

The psychedelic Bob Dylan poster, book and album covers, toy designs, store and restaurant designs, magazine formats such as New York magazine, and logotypes are just a few examples of Glaser’s work that defines the aesthetic of our time. Here, Glaser not only presents a strikingly comprehensive overview of his work, beginning with the extraordinarily fruitful early years, but also discusses in a fresh introduction the influences on his work, the obligations placed on artists, the structures of the traditional art world, and the contribution of graphic design to his own development as a creative.

Publication Details & Reviews

Milton Glaser: Graphic Design, first published in 1973, is considered an incredible achievement and a true classic in the world of graphic design. Written by Harry N. Abrams and first published in paperback on November 23, 1983, this groundbreaking work is 240 pages long and filled with beautiful illustrations and thought-provoking material.

Milton Glaser: Graphic Design
Milton Glaser: Graphic Design

Excellent Reviews From Reputable Sources

Milton Glaser: Graphic Design is known for its grace and flawless blending of text and graphics, and has been praised by eminent critics. It received high praise from The New York Times, which called it “a book in which text and image positively embrace and dance together. It has been said that reading this book and looking at its illustrations is a cohesive, immersive experience.

Another compliment comes from renowned graphic designer Chip Kidd, who said in The Believer that if graphic design had a grand master, Milton Glaser would be Michelangelo. This analogy illustrates Glaser’s enormous impact on the industry and the deep respect he enjoys from both critics and peers.

About Milton Glaser: The Legendary Graphic Designer

Milton Glaser was born in New York City in 1929. His work has been exhibited around the world, including solo shows at the Museum of Modern Art in New York and the Centre Georges Pompidou in Paris. President Barack Obama awarded him the National Medal of Arts in 2009, and the Smithsonian Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum honored him with its Lifetime Achievement Award in 2004. Milton Glaser: Posters, Graphic Design, Art is Work, and Drawing is Thinking are some of his books.

Where to Buy

This one-of-a-kind book takes you on the breathtaking journey of a renowned designer. Here is how to buy a copy:

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